Our Palestinian friends are already in the middle of a long struggle to get the visas they need to join the visit to France in October. It is a long and miserable process.
Like the British, the French have, it seems, three systems for visas for people living in Palestine. They are following the rules made by the Israelis, who have made a completely separate system for Israelis whom they encourage to settle in the West Bank, Palestinians whom they have decided are Jerusalemites and Palestinians whom they have decided are West Bankers. Israel treats the Israelis in a completely separate way from all Palestinians, and divides the Palestinians into different categories.
Europe is echoing this. We are going to ask our French friends to join us in trying to extend the visa equality campaign, so far directed to the UK government, needs to go Europe-wide!
In the EU-Schengen area, Israelis don't need visas to enter. Palestinians DO. Those who can be in Jerusalem can apply for visas through a faster process. Those who are stopped by Israel from entering Jerusalem, have to apply via Aramex in Ramallah - where (we hear from our friends), the conditions are uncomfortable and the questions unpleasant; the cost is higher and the wait is longer.
Our friends have tried once in vain and will try again to submit their visa applications, and we wish them good luck.
Here is the link to our visa equality petition...https://www.change.org/p/tobias-ellwood-make-visa-rules-the-same-for-palestinians-and-israelis
Please sign and share it.
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