Monday, 19 June 2017

Press release 19th June English and Arabic

CADFA press release – 19th June 2017
Ma’an-Together project begins

With another terrorist attack last night, this time directed at Muslims after prayer; with attempts to divide us in every relation and all over the world, the CADFA Ma’an-Together project feels very relevant. This youth project brings together people from the UK, Palestine and France to work together against discrimination and for human rights and begins in the first week of July.

This youth project organised by CADFA and funded by Erasmus+ (European Union) is one of CADFA’s many youth projects with our Palestinian partners Dar Assadaqa in Abu Dis, Jerusalem suburbs and this time also includes young people from Bordeaux, France.
In July, we will have a leaders’ training for a week, before they lead a series of youth projects to France, Palestine and the UK.  We invite you to meet them to discuss from many standpoints the state of the world in 2017, how this affects our young people and what we can do against discrimination and for human rights in all of our countries.

CADFA is a human rights charity based in Camden which brings people together to raise awareness of human rights and work together to promote human rights and respect for international humanitarian law in Palestine. In the last fourteen years we have organised numerous youth and other exchanges in the UK and in Palestine (with our partner). This is the first project with our new partner in France, Aux Couleurs du DEBA, Bordeaux.

Public events in early July
·         Llanidloes Monday 3rd July
·         Knighton Tuesday 4th July
·         Worcester Weds 5th July
·         Camden, London Saturday 8th July

We are happy to provide photos or further information. Telephone 07791 536620

Project blog:
CADFA is at | Facebook CADFA (Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association) | Twitter @camdenabudis

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