Thursday, 29 June 2017

UK visa situation is terrible!!

Today, the Palestinians are leaving home to begin their journey - they will get to the UK tomorrow. When they get here, we'll ask them to describe the journey.

We hope they keep cheerful though, as one of their number, Mounia, was still waiting for her passport yesterday after the Eid holiday, and it didn't come today - She has not been able to leave with them. We are still hoping that she can catch up, even if a bit late.

More soon on the UK visa situation which treats Israelis and Palestinians differently.. see our petition on

الوصول الى بريطانيا بلدة نايتون

كانت رحلة طويلة نوعاً ما حيث توجهنا الى الأردن ومكثنا يوم فيها قبل ان نغادرها الى مطار كييف في رحلة طويلة الى ان وصلنا الى مطار هيثرو في لندن حيث التقينا بشركائنا من فرنسا وتوجهنا جميعا بعد ان قادنا اصدقائنا من لندن الى مدينة نايتون والتي وصلناها بالمساء وكنت شخصياً قد فقدت أمتعتي وبلغت عنها في مطار هيثرو حيث لم تأتي من مطار كييف لكن بالمجمل سعيدين جداً بلقاءنا مع الأصدقاء من بريطانيا وفرنسا أماكن الإقامة والمكان كان جميل والناس المحليين كانوا مرحبين نتطلع لقضاء وقت لطيف ومفيد معهم.
كان استقبالنا حافل وممتع في نايتون حيث حضر الى مكان اقامتنا العديد من أهالي البلدة ورحبوا بنا أحر ترحيب لم تكن المرة الأولى التي نلتقي بها في مشاريع كادفا ببلدة نايتون وفي كل مرة نكون ضيوف على هذة البلدة الهادئة الوادعة نكتشف لنا اصدقاء جدد وتكون ضيفتهم مميزة ومبادراتهم طيبه حيث ساد جو من الألفة بين المشاركين من البلدان الثلاثة وأهالي البلدة وكانت بداية مميزة للمشروع والتبادل الذي توفرة له شروط مميزة من أماكن إقامة ومكان لعقد دوراتنا وورش العمل في النادي الإجتماعي للبلدة حيث استطعنا من اليوم الاول من استخدام كافة مرافق المكان من غرف وقاعات للعمل فيها.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Arriving 30th June

Well, it was a difficult day but it ended fine. Mounia couldn't come because of the visa issue but we believe she will be with us shortly. Saliha wont make it. Shadow and Miriam both had health problems. Meg has a brace on her knee after falling down the stairs. Nandita had a medical appointment before a long drive. Abed's bag didnt turn up after the plane. The Palestinians were so tired after their long travel. And look at the rain ...

But it was great to get to Knighton, and here we want to put a very big thank you to everyone who helped make a veritable feast for the visitors. In the photo are Christine and her mum who did a lot of it and co- ordinated it all... We loved it and it was the best start ever.

Thanks too to our hosts in all three houses. You've all made sure that this is starting in the nicest way possible!  And its a lovely, friendly group.

Now the group from three countries are sleeping in two countries,  some in England,  some in Wales, but all in the same town haha.

Public events in Wales

Come along if you are in the area to the Welsh events...

Friday, 23 June 2017

Getting ready! And VISA issues

The project handbooks have arrived, tickets bought, venues booked, food ordered, participants finalised, plans of all sorts made... Looking forward to seeing our friends from Palestine and France and here in the UK, and hoping to see many more of you too...

One thing we hope will be resolved tomorrow is that Mounia's visa and passport are not yet with her....This reminds us again of the real inequalities put in the way of Palestinians by the UK government: please do sign this petition

Monday, 19 June 2017

Press release 19th June English and Arabic

CADFA press release – 19th June 2017
Ma’an-Together project begins

With another terrorist attack last night, this time directed at Muslims after prayer; with attempts to divide us in every relation and all over the world, the CADFA Ma’an-Together project feels very relevant. This youth project brings together people from the UK, Palestine and France to work together against discrimination and for human rights and begins in the first week of July.

This youth project organised by CADFA and funded by Erasmus+ (European Union) is one of CADFA’s many youth projects with our Palestinian partners Dar Assadaqa in Abu Dis, Jerusalem suburbs and this time also includes young people from Bordeaux, France.
In July, we will have a leaders’ training for a week, before they lead a series of youth projects to France, Palestine and the UK.  We invite you to meet them to discuss from many standpoints the state of the world in 2017, how this affects our young people and what we can do against discrimination and for human rights in all of our countries.

CADFA is a human rights charity based in Camden which brings people together to raise awareness of human rights and work together to promote human rights and respect for international humanitarian law in Palestine. In the last fourteen years we have organised numerous youth and other exchanges in the UK and in Palestine (with our partner). This is the first project with our new partner in France, Aux Couleurs du DEBA, Bordeaux.

Public events in early July
·         Llanidloes Monday 3rd July
·         Knighton Tuesday 4th July
·         Worcester Weds 5th July
·         Camden, London Saturday 8th July

We are happy to provide photos or further information. Telephone 07791 536620

Project blog:
CADFA is at | Facebook CADFA (Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association) | Twitter @camdenabudis

Project leaflet - please share with your friends.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

التحضيرات لمشروع معاً زيارة القادة حزيران 2017

نود إطلاع الجميع بأننا حصلنا على الفيزا لبريطانيا بإستثناء الزميلة منية جفال للأسف لم تتمكن من الحصول على الفيزا حيث رفض مكتب الفيزا البريطاني السماح لها بالمشاركة بعد أن تهيئة للمغادرة مع المجموعة خلال الشهر الحالي عقدت المجموعة عدد من اللقاءات وقام افراد المجموعة المشاركة بتحضير محاضراتهم وموادهم للعرض خلال المشاركة والتي سيكون لنا دور الريادة بها لتقديم واقع الحياة تحت الإحتلال وما يكابده شباب فلسطين من صعوبات وإنتهاكات بحقهم جراء سياسات الإحتلال الإسرائيلي من خلال لقاءاتهم الدورية مع طلاب أندية التوأمة في دار الصداقة.
نحن نتطلع للقاء شركائنا من لندن ومن مدينة بوردو الفرنسية والذين سيتوجهون بنفس التوقيت معنا الى مدينة نايتون اللولزية للبدأ بفعاليات التدريب للمشروع.
نتمنى ان يكون تبادل ناجح ونستفيد من التجربة التي ستكون الاولى مع شريكنا الجديد من فرنسا وتمهد لعمل مشترك قادم ومثمر على صعيد التبادلات الشبابية

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Ma'an -Together - #CADFA events July 2017

The CADFA Ma'an project (Palestine, UK, France) is taking place at a particularly relevant time with Brexit and conflicts of all sorts in all of our countries trying to divide us. We are working with our partners in twinning groups in these towns (below) to build small public events to hear from our Palestinian and French friends about what is happening in their countries, share our experiences and discuss ways we can stand together for anti-discrimination and human rights . 
These are also a commemoration noting 50 years of Israeli occupation in the West Bank: 50 years too long.
The London event in particular is also CADFA's Eid event with special food - Please keep this date free and more info will follow.
Dates across the country - more info to follow.
Llanidloes Monday 3rd July
Knighton Tuesday 4th July
Worcester lunchtime Wednesday 5th July
Northampton evening Wednesday 5th July
Camden evening Saturday 8th July