Bonjour , je m’appelle Houleye Diawara, j’ai 21 ans
Je suis étudiante en Hôtellerie Restauration
J’habite à Aubervilliers , en banlieue Parisienne.
J’ai vécu un séjour intense à Londres j’ai beaucoup appris en 4 jours.
Avec les palestiniens nous avons passer de très bon moment et j’espère qu’on aura l’occasion d’en passer d’autre.
C’est une communauté très ouverte et très accueillante, j’ai appris davantage sur eux.
J’espère pouvoir les revoir un jour à Paris ou directement chez eux en Palestine.
Paix et Amour ✌🏾.
Bisous 😘 Houleye.
Sunday, 30 September 2018
A day in Hull
I am one of the UK participants of the ma’an project and I had the pleasure of having some students come up to the University of Hull where I study physics and am the president of Hull University friends of Palestine society. Our first activity of the day was to do a public demonstration, this was in the form of Dabka in Hulls old town and tell people what we was doing and why we were there. Next we took the students on a tour of the university and to have lunch at one of our cafeteria to get to know the students. At 1:00 we had our student event which started with me talking about CADFA and the Ma’an project then having questions from the audience so that we talked about issues they were interested in and the Palestinian students talking about there experience which the students found very interesting. Towards the end of the meeting we wanted to give the students a Palestinian experience so we showed and taught them some dabka which they enjoyed a lot. To finish the day we went to a dessert cafe to socialise before they departed on the train.
Bonjour je m’appelle Mariam j’ai 21 ans et je fait partir de l’association de l’autre côté. Je suis venue à Londres rencontré les palestiniens et les anglais je connaissais déjà quelque personnes que nous avions accueillis à Paris dans notre association.
Ce séjour nous a permis de nous réunir pour la première fois tous ensemble et de continué à faire entendre les voix pour défendre les droits de l’homme dans le mondes.
J’espère que ce projet continuera encore longtemps avec plus de personnes qui se joindront à notre cause.
Nottingham Visit by Mohammad Sabbah

We can!
i cant speak French, and olay cant speak english , but that dose not prevent us from being friends, thanks cadfa for that!
So we can be friends even though we speaks different languages
The people in nottingham by Ali Qurie
علي عطا قريع
Demonstration in Kentish Town
في تاريخ ٢٩/٩/٢٠١٨ كان مخططنا ان نخرج الى الشوارع للاحتجاج و الوقوف وقفة تضامنية مع فلسطين احتجاج على انتهاكات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي بعنوان كسر الصمت اتجاه الشعب الفلسطيني فبدانا باعداد العدة و جهزنا العديد من لافتات و مخطط لجدار الفصل العنصري و خرجنا الى محطة كنتش تاون و وقفنا على باب المحطة و بدأنا بالهتاف و الغناء لفلسطين و توزيع المنشورات في الشوارع و الحديث مع الناس عن فلسطين و كانت ردات الفعل مختلفة فكان اغلب الناس مارين دون اي ردة فعل و كانت فئة قليلة متضامنة مع فلسطين ووقفت معنا و اهتمت بالموضوع و لكن كان كان هناك اثنين من المجانين في الشارع و تهجموا علينا و بداوا يصرخوا علينا و يقولوا عبارات مستفزة و لكن كانت ردة فعلنا تجاهلهم .
The reactions of peopel in the street on the palestine cause
Saturday, 29 September 2018
Soapbox event!
Two days' hard work on film, music, video, preentations - and time to present just some of it (we'll show the rest on Sunday). This is time to give a *huge thank you* to James and Soapbox for such an excellent time there - everyone learned so much and contributed to exciting outcomes. Also thank you to the Islington Deputy Mayor and councillors who came along - we hope to go on working with you all.
Friday, 28 September 2018
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Meeting at Westminster UNI
So farah invite us to this meeting and i hope it will be great, we will give you more details after we finish!
Afnan ^^
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Welcome home to Cadfa
The group have done really well on their visits to their different towns, given talks at public meetings, done small demos, met Mayors, got their voice across in several ways... Nice to see them back with us at CADFA though... welcome to London!!
Monday, 24 September 2018
We split off in to groups, going to different corners of the palsoc town.
Mosaab and I managed to interview two people and got some good responses. Overall we found out the general knowledge of what Palestine is and a basic understanding of the situation there is common, but not much understanding of the human right situation is there.
From hearing that, we made sure to tell everybody about the public event that we had yesterday, I'm sure you'll hear alot about that in the next upload.
Yaz and mosaab :)
Sunday, 23 September 2018
from Mohammed Sabbah