Sunday, 29 April 2018


Le chapitre d’hier est sûrement l'un des plus triste et émouvant de cette aventure.
La situation à Hebron est au coeur de ce conflit depuis l'implantation des colonies israéliennes à la fin des années 70. De la première intifida en 1987 à aujourd'hui en passant par les accord d'Oslo de 1993 et la seconde intifada de 2000 la situation n'a eu de cesse de s'aggraver.
Hebron fut alors partagée en zone H1 qui représente environs 80% du territoire (Palestinien) et H2 (colonie Israélienne) qui se situe dans le quartier de la vielle ville d'Hebron.
Malgré la situation encore plus compliquée dans cette partie du pays, Hebron reste une ville très riche en histoire dans laquelle Abraham, père des trois religions, fut enterré.
Impossible Is Nothing

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Wishing Abed and Zara better quickly

We were really very sorry that at the last minute the UK participant ZARA was not able to travel with us - she had to go to hospital on the last evening before travel and her doctor would not let her come with us.  We wanted to write a special post to wish Zara all the very best - we will tell you all about this and hope that you will be on another CADFA visit to Palestine! And also remember our upcoming Ma'an youth exchange in the UK in July, hope you will be able to be part of it.

Also we were all so sad that ABED, Palestinian leader, had a sports accident in Jericho and has broken ribs. This has taken him out of the main part of the visit but we are wishing him better very fast indeed - and hope he too will be with the group in July.

Everyone else is well and people reading shouldn't worry - the visit is going fine.

BILL - contradictions in Jerusalem

Today we saw Jerusalem, visiting many of the popular religious sites and exploring through the market. The churches and mosques amazed us all.

Many of our group described feeling a sense of serenity at the sites, enjoying the brief moments of peace which is meant to surround the city of Jerusalem a city famous for its collective attachment between three major religions. However all these experiences felt soured by the constant presence of armed soldiers and police.

Discussing with Palestinians who describe their experience and lives under Israeli occupation. A teacher working at Al Quds University described the omnipresent fear of constant Israeli attacks and threats, how many students were taken in the night, how the construction of walls and bans on free movement leading to teachers being unable to come in. As well as this we saw the extent of Israeli control in all aspects of life. In the curriculum all attempts to teach about Palestinian culture and identity have been forcefully removed.

Life within Jerusalem for Palestinians is dangerous and stressful.

Friday, 20 April 2018


Art group...Media group. .. blog group....


Nouvelle étape de notre séjour en Palestine 🇵🇸
Nous avons eu l’occasion d’arpenter la vieille ville de Jérusalem, terre sainte des trois religions monothéistes...
Une nouvelle opportunité pour nous d’en apprendre sur l’histoire de cette ville, le contexte politique du pays et de découvrir ce lieu saint...
Des rencontres et des échanges bouleversants..

Camp de réfugiés à Betlehem

Camp de réfugiés à Betlehem

Ce camps a été construit en 1948 après la Nakba.
La Nakba c’est lorsque les palestiniens devaient quitter la Palestine. 532 villes et villages ont été détruits.

Ainsi, 750 000 palestiniens ont été contraints de quitter leurs maisons.  Aujourd’hui il y a 59 camps de réfugiés en Palestine dont 19 dans la West Bank.
70% palestiniens dans le monde sont des réfugiés.
Le camp de Betlehem est l’un des nombreux camps en Palestine 🇵🇸
Il regroupe des palestiniens venus de 46 villages différents.

De 1948 a 1950 les réfugiés vivaient dans des tentes. Puis elles ont été remplacées par les maisons en ciments de 3m sur 3, les choses évoluent petit à petit mais les maisons restent de taille réduite.
Cela pose des problèmes sanitaires et sociaux, et il a également un manque accu d’eau et d’électricité dans le camp.
Aujourd’hui, plus de 15 000 personnes vivent dans ce camps qui est de moins d’un kilomètre, et dont 40% de cette population est âgés de moins de 15 ans.

Tous rêvent de pouvoir quitter les camps un jour et revenir dans leurs villages 😢

Thursday, 19 April 2018


When the British and the French came, we did a lot of activities that help to introduce each other about the cultures and about what is happening in our country and their country, but despite the tragedies that happen in our country and their country we have done many activities that try to draw the smile on our faces and the other beautiful in all this.
The Palestinians with the British and the French We made food and sweets, and we have a great deal of knowledge of the famous food that each of our countries
We, the Palestinians, have also drawn them into the Palestinian territories to show them what the Israelis have done in this country and what violations the Palestinians are being subjected to

Prisoners' Day

Today, on April 17, we went with the British and the French to the University of Jerusalem, Abu Dis, and at this university we visited the Museum of Prisoners, where all the Palestinian prisoners were writing in the prisons of the occupation and their pictures and the date of their entry into the prison is all recorded in this museum.
After that we toured the university and got to know more about it.


‏I am one of the participants in this project. This project includes both Palestinian, British and French members. We learned a lot of things during this short period, where I am now able to speak with confidence to many members and listen to others. I have learned about their different cultures and the nature of their lives. We were divided into several groups and each group had different nationalities where we cooked, photographed, talked and learned their dishes. More importantly, we have made numerous discussions about the Palestinian violations we are exposed to. We have also made clear the difference between Palestinians having a green identity and Palestinians having a blue identity. We explained the apartheid wall and how it made the movement of young people limited, as we also mentioned the Israeli checkpoints that stopped us and delayed our work. In another session, British and French members explain the abuses they are subjected to because they are Muslims, where women have been forced to take off headscarves [ Hijab] or remove them from schools.
Mays Abuatwan


لقد شاركت بهذا المشروع ومن خلاله تعلمت عدة امور مثل ثقافاتهم وبعض الاحرف من اللغة الفرنسية كما اننا قمنا بعدة نشاطات  مثل الجلوس والتحدث عن مأساتنا كشعب فلسطيني والانتهاكات التي نتعرض لها وهم كذلك الامر حيث يتعرضون للانتهاكات لانهم مسلمين وبالرغم من الالم الموجود في قلوبنا الا اننا قمنا بعمل نشاطات لتفرحنا حيث تم تقسيمنا الى مجموعات وكل مجموعة قامت بعمل معين كطبخ الوجبة الرئيسية او الحلويات او السلطة وايضا التصوير
حسن جمال حسن

Waiting to go to Jerusalem...

One of the small groups at Dar Assadaqa

Off to Bethlehem...

View from the Cadfa flat in Abu Dia

Monday, 16 April 2018

Mount of Temptation

The Mount of Temptation

We climbed the 370ft Mount of Temptation, situated in the Judean Desert in Jericho, where Jesus is said to have been tempted by the devil. I was stunned by the seemingly endless landscapes viewed from the top of the sky blue painted walkways. It could not have been a more perfect time to be there.


Nouvelle étape de notre projet "Ma'an together" mené avec nos partenaires anglais et palestiniens...🇬🇧 🇵🇸
Le voyage s’est très bien passé🙏, le groupe prend ses marques et chacun s’apprête à vivre des moments exceptionnels favorisant le désenclavement et la lutte contre les discriminations.
Des jeunes au top, impliqués et motivés